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Get Creative & Get Fit: Home Gym Decor Ideas

Yes, you can have a tiny gym in your home! And we have the home gym decor tips you need to know about. As our lives get increasingly hectic and our busy schedules manage to somehow get even crazier, (How does this even happen?) it can be nearly impossible to find the time (and motivation) to get to the gym. But we are not about excuses here at Frame It Easy! So why not create a space in your home to prioritize you?

Your at-home gym doesn’t have to be filled with complicated machines and top-of-the-line equipment. It’s important to start small and allow it to grow over time. Let’s make it easy with some simple tips on home gym decor and all the other essentials to get to shreddin’.

Three Benefits of Having an At-Home Gym

  1. Save money on membership fees
  2. Work out in the privacy of your own space
  3. Stay consistent with a schedule that works with your life
framed motivational saying

Start With Motivational Decor

Motivation is usually the #1 hurdle when it comes to getting into the fitness mindset. But we believe home decor can get you in the right headspace for just about anything! 

Adding motivational posters, uplifting quotes, or even framed images of your fitness goals to your home gym decor can fuel your drive and keep you focused during workouts. It’s important to choose decor that speaks to you personally, whether it’s powerful words of encouragement or images that symbolize your fitness journey. If you surround yourself with inspiration, you’ll create a positive and empowering atmosphere that keeps you determined to reach your goals.

Incorporating motivational decor into your home gym offers so many benefits that can elevate your fitness experience. Beyond decorating your walls with inspirational quotes, these visuals are a constant reminder of your fitness journey’s purpose, reinforcing determination and focus so you can overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. With possitivity surrounding you, each workout becomes an opportunity to harness your inner strength and push yourself further than before. You can do it!

home gym decor idea

Work With the Space You Have 

When designing your tiny home gym, or even a yoga sanctuary, prioritize space by selecting the right equipment. It’s best to opt for multi-functional pieces like dumbbells, resistance bands, or even a foldable treadmill that can be easily stored under a bed when you’re done with that couch-5K power sesh!

Choose space-saving equipment and storage solutions to maximize the available space. Here are the basics to start with:

  • yoga mat
  • small dumbbells or kettlebells
  • resistance bands
  • folding treadmill
  • stationary bike

Build on this over time. You don’t have to start with everything all at once. This way you won’t spend a ton of money on equipment you wont end up using, and can find what works for you. Start simple, and expand as you need to. Don’t overcrowd the area. You’ll need space for those burpees! 

mirror next to black frames with black and white photography

Add Mirrors to Create the Illusion of MORE Space

Most of us don’t have an extra room to create a full-scale home gym. But if you have a small space or even the corner of a room, there are ways to make your tiny home gym appear larger. Incorporating mirrors into your home gym decor creates the illusion of space and improves your workout experience. Mirrors not only create the perception of a larger area but also have a practical purpose, allowing you to check your form and admire your gains!

Position some full-length mirrors strategically along the walls or opposite windows. Placing mirrors across from windows is a standard home decor trick that creates a more open and airy atmosphere. Mirrors also help visually expand the room, making it more inviting and motivating for your fitness routine.

home gym with motivational wall art

The Color Question

Choose Serene Colors

Incorporating serene colors into your home gym can transform the space into a tranquil retreat that promotes relaxation and focus during workouts. Calming neutral hues like soft blues, greens, or earth tones create a soothing atmosphere that helps reduce stress and anxiety and keeps things chill for your fitness routine. Serene color pallets evoke feelings of peace and balance, so you can escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. A tranquil environment ensures that each workout leaves you feeling rejuvenated and revitalized.

Serene Color Palette For Home Gym
Bold Color Palette For Home Gym

The Bright Side

The opposing side to this is introducing a brighter color pallet into your home gym space. This option can uplift your workout space and boost your energy levels. Vibrant shades like hot pink, red, or yellow create a visually stimulating environment that can motivate you to get in that last rep. Bold colors may be the ticket to giving you that boost of inspiration so you can push just a little harder. The “color question” is such a personal choice, there is no right or wrong answer! What’s most important is making your workout an enjoyable experience.

Home gym with neutral color palette

Add Personal Touches

As with any space you’re designing, the most important thing is to make it yours. Personalize your space by incorporating decor elements into your home gym that reflect your personality. This may include framed family photos to remind you that staying healthy is the most important thing you can do for your loved ones.

Designing your home gym with personal touches adds a sense of ownership and motivation to your fitness routine. Consider incorporating some natural elements. Incorporating plants not only enhances the appeal of the room but also improves air quality for a more refreshing atmosphere. Also, consider a portable speaker for that killer workout playlist to keep you motivated and energized. By infusing your own style into the space, your home gym will feel inviting, inspiring, and uniquely yours.

As Always, Frame it Easy!

If you’ve found the motivational art, or the perfect family photos to inspire your workout, why not get them custom framed? May we suggest opting for our top-seller Derby frame, which comes in black, as well as a variety of wood grain options? Perfect for that more serene vibe we mentioned above. We also have a variety of metal frames with lots of bright color options for that bolder aesthetic to keep your energy levels high. No matter which direction you go in, there’s nothing like adding some frames to your walls for that forever inspo.

tiny home gym

Final Thoughts

It can be so hard to keep motivated and stay consistent when trying to achieve our fitness goals. Building a home gym is an investment in your health and well-being, but also offers long-term benefits for both your physical and mental health. If you create an aesthetically pleasing area in your home that promotes health and wellness, you are more likely to sweat it out because you like the environment. Make training at home something you actually look forward to by leveling up your home gym decor. 

Small Home Gym Decor Ideas

Ready to get creative?

Whether you have a piece of art ready to frame, or you have something for us to print, we've got you covered. Our online custom picture framing perfectly fits not only your art, but your style and budget, too! Use our custom frame designer to create a frame, or browse our suggested frame designs. Happy designing!